Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The day of the winter concert

hi its me again its the day of the winter concert and it went great. Everyone clapped and they said that they loved it alote. Of corse that was just the school one, at 7:30 PM today we are preforming for the parents and family. The morning one went great but when the alto saxes were playing there solo my read fell off so i had to fake it until the next song. My friends jess at www.jesslblog.wordpress.com  and kristen play the flute and my friend rach plays the viiola wich is in orchestra. My sister was a little anoying today but she is always a pest. Her and her loved it though. Right now im sitting at my desk in my ocean blue whelle chair on my notebook computer blogging because im bord. I have my cloths laying on my dresser all ready to go. I have to be at the school by 7:00 to tune my instrument but I think ill go a little earler to get ood seats for my family . Ill be shure to blogg later but for now solong

1 comment:

  1. Hey! It's Jess! Thanks for saying my name and how I play the flute in your blog! That was very thoughtful of you! :) We did fantastic in front of the whole school and teachers!
